
Generalprobe für die Eröffnungsveranstaltung

dress rehearsal for the Opening Ceremony

On Saturday, 29th of June more than 1,700 persons were involved in the dress rehearsal for the Opening Ceremony. There was a feeling of hot temperature, motivated gymnasts and a lot of anticipation.

Tribünenaufbau in der Birkenwiese(c) Fototeam Digital

setting-up of the Birkenwiese

The setting-up of the Birkenwiese Stadium is well and truly under way, with capacity set to be extended up to 25,000 spectators. A big shout out to the 30 helpers from the Austrian Army, the Sportgymnasium, Werkhof Dornbirn, Bender Tribünen and Schlosserei Kalb. 

Programm online

Programme online

The latest detail programme (official World Gymnaestrada programme and all side events) can be found here.