

nations record with more than 60 countries

The 60th nation has signed up to participate in the 16th World Gymnaestrada in Dornbirn - more than ever before in the history of the World Gymnaestrada. ⁣

Portal für die Presseakkreditierung geöffnet

Media accreditation platform is open until the 22nd of May 2019

Media accreditation requests can be submitted by any interested media representative via the respective FIG media platform until the 22nd of May 2019.

FIG allocates 2023 World Gymnaestrada to Amsterdam

FIG allocates 2023 World Gymnaestrada to Amsterdam

The 17th World Gymnaestrada has been allocated to Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands. The decision was taken unanimously by the International Gymnastics Federation's (FIG) Executive Committee during their meeting at the federation's headquarters in Lausanne on the 20th of February.