WG2019 Programme - Can't stop the feeling

hoursunday, 7th Julymonday, 8th Julytuesday, 9th Julywednesday, 10th Julythursday, 11th Julyfriday, 12th Julysaturday, 13th July

Additional Information

Performance titleCan't stop the feeling
Group nameSU Nieder-Florstadt "Fit imPuls"
What can be said about Fit imPuls is clear from the statements of some gymnasts in this group. To float like an elf over the parquet floor and to fly through the air with a little exhilaration, that's not what Fit imPuls is about. Rather, this women's group from Wetterau, in the heart of Germany, presents an impulsive gymnastics that promotes fitness and places the control of one's own body and the coordination of work with the ball at the centre of all exercises. Fit imPuls definitely gives us the feeling of being young at heart. We are 18 women, always in our best years and when you get older and still like to move, when current music is fun and your fingers and feet are tingling and when perfection is not the top priority, then you go to the club, get together with like-minded people and start to dance and study a choreography. So the choice of music and lyrics is based on this claim. Can´t stop the feeling describes how music can make you dance, let the sun rise in your heart, create a sense of well-being in yourself and also create interpersonal harmony in a group. Then one notices that this takes longer than before, that the trainer has to schedule more practice units and that it takes patience until a clique has become a formation. The main thing is that fun and the joy of movement are above everything. We present what is more or less the result with all its strengths and weaknesses and thank our trainer Christa Kumpitsch for her patience, persistence and professionalism.
Fun Factsgreat ooh ! to be there in the middle a part of the event fun Teambuilding athletic movement
Group leader / responsibleHeike Reiser
Name of the choreographerChrista Kumpitsch